Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Sometimes I wish everybody was autistic

So I work with autistic children and adults as my internship in college. I love it. Sure, it has it's ups and downs, but what job doesn't? Maybe at your job you don't have to bring an extra change of clothing to be prepared for spit or any other liquids being spilled on you, but hey, it's just part of the job.
 Sometimes I wish that everybody was autistic. Every single kid or adult that I work with is so kindhearted and always so excited to see me. They never have any mal-intentions, and when they do, its so painfully obvious through their mannerisms and their facial expressions. If everybody was like this, there would be no duping, lying, cheating, and stealing.
At times the job is very taxing, and I want to rip my hair out, but at the end of the day as I'm walking out to my car reflecting on the day I've just had, it provides me with a very rewarding feelings. I really love each and every one of those clients.

1 comment:

  1. I'm happy that not everyone is autistic. Our society would grind to a halt ...
